
Lens 2022 year in review

Let's look back at some of the highlights from the past year.

The Lens Team
Jan 4, 2023
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Let's look back at some of the highlights from the past year

Happy New Year! We're reflecting on how far we've come in the past year, none of which would have been possible without your support. Here are a few highlights of how far we've come as we gear up for a great 2023.

Our footprint has doubled

When the year began, our customers were using Lens to monitor about 14 million acres. As of today, Lens is being used to monitor about 29 million acres–over twice the area that was in Lens a year ago.

Lower pricing

We started off 2022 by lowering pricing for new and existing Lens customers. More monitoring, lower costs.

Dozens of new features and updates

We shipped dozens of great Lens features in 2022. Let's see some highlights.

Adding properties

You can now add your own properties into Lens by uploading a file or drawing the boundaries.

Parcel Data overlay

Lens Plus and Enterprise

Check property ownership at a glance by displaying the Parcel Data overlay in the United States. Gone are the days spent clicking between Lens and county assessor sites - it's never been easier to check for ownership status.

Airbus Neo new satellite imagery

We're always looking for new, quality imagery sources for our customers. The addition of Airbus's newest satellite constellation expanded our imagery coverage with more sub-meter resolution options.

Overlays Library

We launched the Overlays Library where you can add new overlays to your account and manage where they appear. Stay tuned as we add new overlay options in the months ahead.

Parcel Owner Alerts

Lens Plus and Enterprise                                    

Our newest alert feature keeps a year-round view on your properties for changes in parcel ownership. Spend less time in the weeds of county assessor sites and enroll your properties today.

WMTS imagery streaming to GIS

Lens Plus and Enterprise                        

Streaming high-resolution, recent aerial imagery into GIS has never been easier. Say goodbye to outdated, low-resolution basemaps in GIS.

Vegetation Alerts

Lens Plus and Enterprise

Vegetation Alerts serve as another set on eyes on your properties year-round, spotting any unseasonal drops in vegetation.

Adding and Removing your Own Portfolios

Portfolios are a creative and simple way to organize your properties. Now you can add and delete them yourself, as well as move properties between portfolios.

Downloads of Geo–Referenced Imagery

With the introduction of GeoTIFF downloads for Airbus imagery, we've expanded your options for viewing imagery outside of Lens.

Over 900 users

Lens’ customer base has grown to about 175 organizations with over 900 individual users. That’s a lot of conservationists!

Added new teammates

The Upstream Tech team continues to grow - we’re now 33 strong - enabling us to expand our impact and add value to our customers.

Lots of ordered imagery

In 2022, Lens users ordered over 1.5 million acres of high-resolution imagery.

Taking notes

Lens users made over 15,800 notes on their properties. If those notes were exported from Lens as one report and printed, the length of those pages end-to-end would be taller than Mt. Rainier.

A+ imagery coverage

On average, customers had more than 97% high-resolution imagery coverage for their properties in 2022.

Partnership with Planet

We established a partnership with Planet, which is currently a tasking vendor and the provider of the NICFI imagery. We'll be building on this partnership in the months ahead.

Happy customers

We continued to hear validation from customers that Lens made their monitoring workflow more efficient and comprehensive. For instance, The Nature Conservancy found that using Lens yielded a 28% reduction in costs and a 57% savings in personnel time.

About 90% of our customers have already renewed for 2023. We're excited to help your team grow with Lens in the new year!

What's next for 2023?

We've got big plans for the year ahead, including adding more imagery and data layers, new ways to customize Lens to meet your monitoring goals, usability improvements, and more! We'll keep you posted every step of the way with monthly "Latest in Lens" emails. To see this in a storymap, please visit this link.

Thanks for a great year and cheers to the next,

– The Lens Team

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