
Find the cover cropping in Colorado

Center pivots in Colorado on Apr 3, 2021. Source: ESA Copernicus Sentinel-2A/B.
Sep 7, 2023
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Cover cropping is a conservation practice that promotes healthy, fertile soil in agricultural areas. While traditional crops are planted for harvesting, cover crops are used to cover bare soil in between growing seasons. Cover crops prevent erosion, infuse nutrients into the soil, reduce pests and diseases, and reduce soil compaction, among other benefits. Incorporating cover cropping can improve the resiliency and productivity of farmlands.

Examine the following vegetation data collected by sensors on the Sentinel-2 satellite. These vegetation data capture photosynthetic activity across a landscape and can help us identify plant growth. Areas where spring cover cropping has been used will be greener in the left image and browner in the right image.

Can you find the cover-cropped field?

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